Micro Conversions: 21 Examples & How to Track (2023)

Cameron Chittick
Updated January 16, 2023 @ 7:34 pm

Conversion rate optimization (CRO) is all about making your website or app as irresistible as possible to your visitors.

One of the best ways to do that is by paying attention to the little things – we’re talking about micro conversions!

What are Micro Conversions?

Think of them as the small, yet meaningful actions that users take on your website or app that indicate they’re engaged and interested in what you have to offer.

These actions can include things like watching a video, signing up for a newsletter, or even just adding an item to a shopping cart.

Now, you might be thinking “But wait, those aren’t actual conversions!” And you’re right.

They’re not the end goal (like making a purchase), but they’re important stepping stones that can lead to the big win.

And here’s why:

Why are Micro Conversions Important?

  • Micro conversions give you valuable insights into user behavior.

By tracking micro conversions, you can see which parts of your website or app are resonating with users and which parts are falling flat.

This information can help you make strategic changes to improve the overall conversion rate.

  • Micro conversions can increase the overall conversion rate.

By focusing on improving the performance of micro conversions, you’re encouraging more users to take the next step in the conversion funnel. For example, if you can increase the number of users who sign up for a newsletter, you’ll also increase the number of users who make a purchase.

  • Micro conversions can help build trust and credibility with users.

By providing valuable content, such as a PDF or video, you’re showing users that you’re an expert in your field and that you have something valuable to offer. This can make users more likely to take the next step in the conversion funnel.

So, now that you know why micro conversions are important, let’s talk about how you can use them to improve your CRO.

Types of Micro Conversions (20 Examples)

  1. Signing up for a newsletter
  2. Downloading a PDF or white paper
  3. Watching a video
  4. Adding an item to a shopping cart
  5. Filling out a contact form
  6. Starting a free trial
  7. Creating an account
  8. Leaving a comment on a blog post
  9. Liking or sharing a social media post
  10. Subscribing to a service
  11. Clicking on an advertisement
  12. Completing a survey
  13. Making a phone call
  14. Viewing a product page
  15. Sharing a link with a friend or colleague
  16. Following a brand on social media
  17. Registering for a webinar or event
  18. Reading an article or blog post
  19. Joining a loyalty program
  20. Completing a form to access content
  21. User completing a quiz or survey

How to Use Micro Conversions to Improve CRO

  • Identify the micro conversions that are most important to your business.

Different businesses will have different micro conversions that are most important. For example, an e-commerce business might consider adding an item to a shopping cart a micro conversion, while a B2B company might consider filling out a contact form a micro conversion. Knowing which micro conversions are most important for your business will help you focus your efforts on the areas that will have the greatest impact on your conversion rate.

  • Track and analyze micro conversion data.

Once you’ve identified the micro conversions that are most important to your business, it’s time to start tracking and analyzing data. This will allow you to see which parts of your website or app are performing well and which are not. Use tools like heatmap analysis and session replay to understand how users are interacting with your website or app.

  • Optimize your website or app for micro conversions.

Once you’ve identified the areas of your website or app that need improvement, it’s time to optimize them for micro conversions. This might include making changes to the layout, adding or removing elements, or changing the copy. You can also use A/B testing to see which changes have the greatest impact on macro conversion rates.

  • Use personalization to improve micro conversions.

Personalization can be a powerful tool for improving micro conversions. By tailoring the user experience to the individual user, you can increase the likelihood that they will take the desired action.

  • Add exit-intent popups to capture micro conversions.

Exit-intent popups can be an effective way to capture micro conversions, such as email signups or newsletter subscriptions. These popups can be triggered when a user is about to leave your website or app, giving you one last chance to capture their contact information.

  • Use cart abandonment recovery to increase micro conversions.

If a user adds an item to their cart but doesn’t complete the purchase, it’s a missed opportunity! But don’t worry, with cart abandonment recovery techniques, you can try to win back those users. For example, you can send them an email with a special offer or a friendly reminder of the items left in their cart.

  • Create customer journey maps to understand micro conversions.

Customer journey maps are like treasure maps for conversions! By mapping out the different stages of the customer journey, you can identify the key touchpoints where users are most likely to take a desired action. This can help you optimize your website or app for these key moments.

  • Track the impact of micro conversions on the overall conversion rate.

It’s important to track the impact of micro conversions on the overall conversion rate. This will help you see the correlation between micro conversions and the ultimate goal, such as making a purchase. By understanding this correlation, you can make more informed decisions about how to optimize your website or app for conversions.

How to Track Micro Conversions

Tracking micro conversions is just like tracking your big wins (aka macro conversions). And the good news is, you probably already have the tools you need!

One of the most popular ways to track micro conversions is by using Google Tag Manager in conjunction with Google Analytics. Google Tag Manager is a free tool that allows you to add and manage marketing and analytics tags on your website or app without having to hardcode them. And when you pair it with Google Analytics, you can see all the juicy details about user behavior and track your micro conversions with ease.

To get started, you’ll first need to create a Google Tag Manager account and set it up on your website or app. Then, you’ll need to create a tag for each micro conversion you want to track. For example, if you want to track newsletter signups, you’ll create a tag for newsletter signups and set it to fire when a user completes the signup form.

Once you have your tags set up, you can use Google Analytics to see all the data in one place and track your micro conversions over time. You’ll be able to see how many users completed the micro conversion, where they came from, and what pages they visited on your website or app.

So, ready to start tracking your micro conversions? Head on over to https://tagmanager.google.com/ to get started!

How to Calculate Micro Conversion Rate

Use the nice conversion rate calculator

To calculate the micro conversion rate, you first need to identify the specific micro conversion you want to measure. Once you’ve identified the micro conversion, you can calculate the rate by dividing the number of users who completed the micro conversion by the total number of users who visited the website or app.

The formula is:

Micro Conversion Rate = (Number of Users who completed the Micro Conversion / Total Number of Users) x 100

For example, let’s say you have a website and you want to measure the micro conversion rate for newsletter signups.

If 100 users visited your website and 25 of them signed up for your newsletter, the micro conversion rate for newsletter signups would be 25%.

It’s important to note that micro conversion rates should be analyzed in the context of the overall conversion rate, and in relation to the behavior of your target audience.

Also, it’s good to track them over time, so you can see if your optimization efforts are having an impact.


Micro conversions might seem like small potatoes, but they can lead to big wins in terms of conversion rate optimization.

By paying attention to micro conversions, you can gain valuable insights into user behavior, increase the overall conversion rate, and build trust and credibility with users.

So, don’t underestimate the power of the little engagements, and start implementing these strategies today!