SMMA Cold Emailing Tips | 6 Proven Strategies for Success with your Cold Emails in 2023

Cameron Chittick
Updated May 29, 2023 @ 4:36 pm

Are you a social media marketing agency (SMMA) owner looking to expand your client list and grow your business? Then you’ll definitely want to read our SMMA cold emailing tips piece.

One of the most effective ways to do this is through cold emailing. But, let’s face it, cold emailing can be tough – especially if you’re not used to doing it.

That’s why Nice Marketing has put together this handy guide outlining 6 must-know SMMA cold email tips for 2023. By following these tips, you’ll be able to craft compelling emails that stand out from the crowd and get results.

What is SMMA?

Before we dive into the specifics of cold emailing for SMMA’s, let’s first clarify what SMMA actually is. In short, an SMMA is a company that specializes in helping businesses build their online presence through social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter.

As more and more companies realize the importance of having a strong social media presence, the demand for SMMA services has skyrocketed in recent years. That’s great news for anyone running an SMMA – but it also means that competition is fierce.

Why Cold Emailing Matters

So how can you differentiate yourself from all the other social media marketing agencies out there? One powerful way is through cold emailing. By reaching out to potential clients directly via email, you have the opportunity to showcase your skills and expertise in a way that sets you apart from your competitors.

But don’t just take our word for it – according to recent research by HubSpot, 78% of decision-makers polled say they prefer email as their initial point of contact with brands. That means if you’re not already incorporating cold emailing into your outreach strategy, now is definitely the time to start.

The 6 Must-Know SMMA Cold Emailing Tips

Now that we’ve established why cold emailing is such an important aspect of SMMA business growth, let’s dive into the 6 must-know tips that will help you create effective and attention-grabbing emails. From personalization to social proof, we’ll cover it all – so stay tuned!

#1 Personalize Your Emails

When it comes to cold emailing potential clients, personalization is key. It’s not enough to simply send out a generic email and hope for the best.

You need to show your potential clients that you have taken the time to research their business and understand their needs. This will make them more likely to read your email and consider working with you.

Personalization also sets you apart from other marketers who are using generic templates for their emails. When you take the time to personalize your emails, potential clients are more likely to see you as a professional who cares about their business and is invested in helping them succeed.

How to Personalize Emails Effectively

To effectively personalize your cold emails, start by doing some research on the company or individual you’re reaching out to. Visit their website and social media pages, read their blog posts or articles they’ve written, and find out as much as you can about what they do and how they operate.

Once you have done this research, use it in your email by addressing the recipient by name at the very beginning of the email. You can also mention something specific about their business that caught your attention during your research.

For example: “Hi John,

I hope this email finds you well! I came across ABC Company’s website while researching social media marketing agencies in San Francisco, and I was impressed by your recent campaign with XYZ Brand.”

Another way to personalize your emails is by tailoring them specifically to each recipient’s needs. Referencing a past project or accomplishment of theirs can demonstrate that not only do you know who they are but also that you understand what they need from an agency like yours:

“Hello Mr./Ms. Smith,

I am impressed with how [company] has grown over the last few years. I understand that [company’s] next goal is to grow its customer base, and I believe our social media expertise can help you achieve that.”

Overall, personalizing your emails is important because it not only makes you look more professional but also helps you make a better impression on potential clients. By showing that you have researched their business and understand their needs, you’ll be able to set yourself apart from other marketers and increase your chances of success.

#2 Keep Your Subject Line Short and Attention-Grabbing

The subject line is the first and sometimes only thing a prospect sees before deciding whether or not to open your email. It’s your first impression, your elevator pitch, and the gateway to establishing a connection.

A strong subject line can be the difference between getting ignored or getting noticed by potential clients who are inundated with countless emails every day. A well-crafted subject line can immediately grab someone’s attention and pique their interest in what you have to offer.

On the other hand, a boring or generic subject line risks blending in with all the other spammy messages that get sent to trash without being opened. So it goes without saying that investing time in crafting an effective subject line is critical for success in SMMA cold emailing.

Tips for Crafting Attention-Grabbing Subject Lines

Here are some tips for crafting attention-grabbing subject lines:

1. Keep it short: Aim for around 4-7 words to make sure that your message is visible on mobile devices where most emails are read.

2. Highlight the benefit: Showcase how working with you will benefit them, such as increased sales or cost savings. 3. Use urgency: Create a sense of urgency by using words like “limited time” or “urgent” (use sparingly).

4. Be specific: Mention something relevant about their business to show that you’ve done your research and understand their needs. 5. Use numbers or statistics: Numbers catch our attention and add credibility while statistics help provide context.

The key takeaway is that creativity pays off when it comes to creating attention-grabbing subject lines for SMMA cold emailing campaigns. Write several variations of each subject line before deciding on one, test them out on colleagues or clients, and don’t be afraid to experiment with different styles and formats until you find a winning formula.

#3 Highlight Your Value Proposition Early On

When it comes to SMMA cold emailing, it’s important to remember that you’re not just selling yourself; you’re also selling your services. That’s why it’s crucial to highlight your value proposition early on in the email. Your value proposition is essentially what sets you apart from other SMMA providers and why potential clients should choose you over them.

One important thing to keep in mind when crafting your value proposition is to focus on the benefits rather than just the features of your services. For example, instead of saying “We offer social media management for businesses,” say “We help businesses increase their social media presence and drive more traffic and sales through targeted campaigns.” By focusing on the benefits, you’re making it clear how your services can directly benefit their business.

Why It’s Important To Showcase Your Value Proposition Early In The Email

When a potential client receives an email from an SMMA provider, they’re likely getting dozens (if not hundreds) of similar emails every week. That means you have a limited amount of time to grab their attention and convince them that your services are worth considering. By highlighting your value proposition early on in the email, you’re giving them a clear reason to keep reading and consider working with you.

Think about it this way – if someone received an email that started off with a generic introduction and then went into a long explanation of what the SMMA provider does without any clear differentiation or benefit highlighted, they would likely lose interest quickly and move onto the next email in their inbox. But if an email starts off with a strong and compelling value proposition that speaks directly to their needs or pain points, they’ll be much more likely to keep reading and consider what else you have to offer.

Examples Of Effective Value Propositions

So what does an effective value proposition look like in an SMMA cold email? Here are a few examples:

– “We specialize in helping local businesses increase their online visibility and generate more leads through targeted SEO and PPC campaigns.” – “Our team of experienced social media strategists can help you build a loyal following, increase engagement, and drive sales through effective social media management.”

– “Looking to take your brand to the next level? Our branding experts can help you create a cohesive and memorable brand identity that resonates with your target audience.” Notice how each of these value propositions highlights the benefit of working with the SMMA provider rather than just listing off features.

They also speak directly to the needs or pain points of potential clients (e.g. increasing online visibility, driving sales, building a memorable brand). By crafting a strong value proposition that speaks directly to your target audience’s needs, you’ll be much more likely to grab their attention and convince them to consider working with you.

#4 Keep It Short and Sweet

When it comes to cold emailing, shorter is usually better. No one wants to read a long email from someone they don’t know.

A long email can come across as desperate or overly-salesy, which can turn potential clients off right away. Plus, if your email is too long, people might not even bother reading it all the way through.

That’s why brevity is key in cold emailing. You want to keep your emails short and sweet so that the recipient can quickly understand who you are, what you do, and how you can help them.

You only have a few seconds to capture their attention before they move on to the next email in their inbox. Make every word count by keeping your message concise and to the point.

Tips on How to Keep Your Emails Concise While Still Conveying All Necessary Information

While it’s important to keep your emails short and sweet, you also need to make sure that you’re conveying all necessary information. This can be a tricky balance, but there are a few tips that can help:

1. Stick to one main idea: Instead of trying to cram multiple ideas into one email, focus on one main idea per message. This will help you stay focused and make it easier for the recipient to understand what you’re trying to say.

2. Use bullet points: Bullet points are a great way to break up text and make information easier to digest. Use them sparingly though – too many bullet points can be overwhelming.

3. Be specific: Don’t leave room for interpretation or confusion – be specific about what you’re offering or asking for. 4. Cut unnecessary words: Read through your email carefully and cut any unnecessary words or phrases that don’t add value.

By following these tips, you can keep your emails short and sweet while still conveying all necessary information. Remember, the goal of a cold email is to pique the recipient’s interest and start a conversation – save the detailed sales pitch for later.

#5 Follow Up Strategically

Following up with potential clients after sending an initial cold email can be the difference between landing a new project or getting ignored. In fact, studies have shown that it takes an average of 5-7 touches to convert a lead into a sale. This means that if you’re not following up with potential clients, you’re missing out on a lot of potential business.

One reason why following up is so important in cold emailing is because people are busy and may not have had the chance to read your initial email. In some cases, your email may have ended up in their spam folder or they simply forgot about it.

By sending a follow-up email, you’re giving them another opportunity to see your message and take action on it. Additionally, following up shows persistence and professionalism, which can impress potential clients and set you apart from other SMMA professionals who might give up after just one email.

When and How to Follow Up Effectively

Knowing when and how to follow up effectively is key to making sure your efforts aren’t wasted. A good rule of thumb is to wait 3-4 days after sending your initial email before following up for the first time.

This gives the recipient enough time to see your message without forgetting about it completely. When crafting your follow-up emails, make sure they are short, friendly, and focused on the value you can provide for their business.

You might include a brief reminder of what sets you apart from other SMMA professionals or highlight any relevant experience or success stories that demonstrate your expertise. It’s also important to be respectful of people’s time and boundaries when following up.

If someone doesn’t respond after two follow-up attempts, it’s usually best to move on and focus on other leads instead of continuing to pester them. However, if someone expresses interest but needs more time to make a decision, make sure to set a specific date and time for your next follow-up to keep the conversation moving forward.

#6 The Power of Social Proof

As you probably know, people often look to others for guidance when making decisions. In marketing, this phenomenon is known as “social proof.” Essentially, social proof means that people are more likely to buy a product or service if they see that others have had a positive experience with it.

This concept is especially relevant in the world of SMMA cold emailing. If you can show potential clients that other businesses have benefited from your services, they’ll be much more likely to work with you.

How to Use Social Proof in Your Emails

So how can you use social proof effectively in your cold emails? Here are a few tips: – Include testimonials: If you’ve worked with clients in the past who were happy with your services, ask them if they’d be willing to provide a testimonial.

You can then include these testimonials in your cold emails as evidence of your past success. – Highlight case studies: Similarly, if you’ve worked on projects that have had significant results for clients, consider creating case studies.

In these case studies, explain the problem the client was facing before working with you and how your services helped solve it. Including these case studies in your cold emails will demonstrate the value of your services.

– Mention high-profile clients: If you’ve worked with well-known brands or businesses in the past, don’t be afraid to mention them in your cold emails (assuming it’s appropriate and not confidential). Seeing that other respected companies have chosen to work with you will increase potential clients’ confidence in your abilities.

By using social proof effectively in your SMMA cold emails, you’ll be able to demonstrate the value of your services and convince potential clients to work with you. Don’t underestimate the power of this technique!